Alexander has been doing yoga retreats for many years. His retreats have taken him to Ibiza, Gran Canaria, Sicily and Portugal. The number of participants varies between 6 and 12 participants, often accompanied by children.

The yoga sessions always take place outside in the open air either on solid ground, on lawns or sandy beaches. There are 2 Yoga sessions per day: in the morning and in the evening 1.5 – 2 hours each.
In 2021 there will be one yoga retreat in Portugal from 10.- 17. October in Sagres / Algarve. Info

In 2022 will be two yogaretreats: the first in Carneval Time from 27. February to 3. March on Gran Canaria Island in Tasarte (Info) and the other one in Portugal October.
You are welcome !
More general infos in german & pictures here